
Showing posts from February, 2020


Malta does not have any volcanoes in the area but there is one that is only 200 km away! It is Mount Etna which is one of the most active volcanoes in the world.  Mount Etna erupts on average once a year.  There are two types of eruptions that Mount Etna experiences: explosive eruptions from its summit craters and flank vent explosions. The most common of these are from the three summit craters: the northeast, the central and the southeast, however when the flank vents erupt, it is highly likely that it will cause an explosion from the summit craters. On March 8th, 1669, Mount Etna began to rumble, producing gas from the top of the towering landmark. M olten lava began to spill out of Mount Etna, being pushed out with such force that ash was reportedly seen over 100 miles away. On the south side of the mountain, the lava began to head towards the city of Catania. It was Mount Edna's biggest eruption that killed 17,000 residents and their homes.  To make sure everyone i

Earthquakes in Malta

The small island, Malta, is said to be prone to mostly tsunamis and earthquakes as of natural hazards. Seismic waves have a strong motion that happens underground causing disasters in all directions. Luckily, seismic risk in Malta is considered to be low with its little historic damage.   This image above shares much about Malta along with its main faults. Malta has recently been having many droughts and is becoming a very frequent hazard. The last big earthquake to happen in Malta was in 1923 that caused some damage.

Malta's Tectonic Plate Boundaries

Malta is a country that is located right in between the Eurasian and African plate as showed in the picture below. It is said to rest on an underwater plateau which is a part of the African plate. It is important to know that plate tectonics are known to cause massive natural hazards on earth. Malta is in a location that is considered a convergent plate boundary, where plated move towards one another. When this occurs, it causes a process known as subduction. The collision of tectonic plates can result in earthquakes, volcanoes, the formation of mountains, etc.

Hazards, Disasters & Catastrophes

Nobody in the US is 100% safe from the earths natural hazards as natural processes such as: tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, etc., can vary in how dangerous they are. While disasters and catastrophes can be seen as the same thing, there is a big difference between the two. Catastrophes caused massive destruction's that can take years for recovery including raising the money for the damages it caused. On the other hand, for a hazardous event to be considered a disaster , either less than 10 people are killed, less than 100 are effected, there is a declared state of emergency, or a request for international assistance.